Mom Lives With Mystery Illness For 10 Yrs Until Contractors Tell Her She’s Being Poisoned

Kathi Wilson of Shelbyville, Indiana, was struck with an illness no one could diagnosis. As time passed, the 41-year-old mother only grew more and more exhausted and miserable.

Her flu-like symptoms included chronic fatigue, muscle aches, and general discomfort. These symptoms became so debilitating for Kathi that she eventually needed a cane in order to walk.

Kathi's daughter said her mom's strange illness left her and her family completely dumbfounded — and doctors were just as mystified.

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While her doctor tried many medications, specialists ran a battery of tests, including cardiac testing, chest X-rays, brain scans, and spinal tests. Nothing seemed to provide an answer to the mystery illness.

Then one day, Kathi hired a couple of construction workers to remodel her bathroom.

Little did she know, this pair of eagle-eyed contractors would be the ones who'd crack the case and ultimately save Kathi's life.