Teen Girl Covertly Leaves Note For Her Server, She Reads It And Knows She Needs To Help

The bell above the door chimed as John and his daughter Lily entered the quaint diner. A server named Deena noted the pair making their way to an empty booth in the corner and greeted them with a warm smile.

The 30-year-old server grew up in Alabama and since she had lived on a farm where she had to pitch in with everything outdoors as well as in the kitchen, she loved cooking and serving people great food.

Deena loved the hustle and bustle of being in the diner and meeting new people every day. As she got ready to take their order, Deena couldn’t help but notice how oddly Lily was dressed. She had a thick scarf completely wrapped around her neck that practically hid her face and she was wearing sunglasses indoors.

After she placed menus down on their table and left the pair alone for a few moments to decide what they wanted to eat, Deena observed them a little more. She noticed that Lily was barely speaking and whenever her father said something, she winced and flinched. Deena found this to be extremely odd behavior.

Deena couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off between this father and daughter. She didn’t want to interfere in something that was not her business, but she also felt protective over this child and wanted to help her if she could.

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When Deena went up to the table to take their orders, John ordered a burger and fries and then insisted that his teenage daughter have just a salad. Deena could tell that Lily really wanted something else but was too fearful to speak up.

What happened when Deena noticed a scribbled note from a desperate Lily left on the table for her? Watch the full Wonderbot video to find out.

While we cannot verify the details of this story, we think you'll be interested in watching the video to see the outcome.