Hardworking Dad Walks 5 Miles To Work Daily Until Woman Notices And Steps In To Help

The sun was just getting warm when Arthur Jackson set out for his daily commute to work. Arthur lived in a small town in Pennsylvania and every single day he would make the 5-mile commute to and from work to the construction site across town where he worked.

Arthur had been sober for two years and was able to find a well-paying job at a local construction firm. Even though he now had the motivation to try and sustain a decent life for himself, he really wanted his daughter Millie to be proud of him.

Even though things were going pretty well for Arthur, he certainly was no stranger to defeat or heartache. A few years ago he found himself involved in an intense custody battle with his ex-wife so he could have partial custody of Millie. He also got kicked out of his apartment for not being able to afford the rent.

Shortly after he secured his job and moved into his late brother’s home with Millie, the bike that had seen him through his daily commute to work broke down beyond repair. The little savings that he did have went towards Millie and her needs, so Arthur decided he had no other choice but to walk to work every day.

Every day after Millie got on the school bus, Arthur set off on his 5-mile commute to work. He did so for weeks without complaining, but he soon began to notice how his exhaustion had started to take a toll on his relationship with his daughter.

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As he made his daily trek to and from work, Arthur had no idea he had caught the attention of a local woman named Amanda. At first, she thought that Arthur looked a bit suspicious, but Amanda soon noticed his tired and kind eyes and decided that he was someone in need of some help.

How did Amanda help this stranger whom she met walking down her street? Watch the video posted by Wonderbot to find out.

While we cannot verify the details of this particular story, we think you'll be interested in the outcome.