Dogs have made certain behaviors an art form. The way they cuddle and comfort their humans. The way they play with their favorite squeaky toy. They are even pretty cute when they devour their treats and kibble. Since dogs are so expressive, one can look to the art world for inspiration when trying to come up with the perfect name.
From Ansel Adams to Vincent van Gogh, the possibilities are endless. Dogs act as their human owners' muses, so it is fitting to pay homage to the creative world. Pups make you see in technicolor after all.
Are you or your pup into fashion? Then Chiffon is the perfect name. It is a French word that literally means cloth or rag. Its meaning has expanded in the industry to be synonymous with a sheer fancy fabric used in high-end designs. Pups with this moniker will love to play dress-up, but be warned they will have exquisite but expensive taste.
Pablo Picasso was a Spanish artist who lived in France as an adult. He started the Cubist movement and forever changed modern art as we know it. An added bonus to this name is you can be punny. Pablo could be changed to Pawblo. It’s a double threat name combining art and humor.
Norman Rockwell's paintings portray an idealized look at the simple moments of everyday American life. If you want that kind of warmth in your life, the name Rockwell is a great place to start. Pups with this name will want to cuddle on the couch with you and read Tom Sawyer. They will likely also be nostalgic and sentimental.
This moniker pays homage to Georgia O'Keeffe. She was best known for her paintings of the natural world, including flowers and vast desert landscapes. Dogs with this name are sure to love the outdoors. Walks and hikes will be a favorite pastime.
This name refers to Frida Kahlo, a Mexican artist best known for her self-portraits. Her love for her country also heavily influenced her work. She also overcame many health issues, such as childhood polio and a horrible bus accident. Dogs with this name will love taking selfies. They will also be strong and resilient like their namesake.
Dorothea Lange was an American photographer and photojournalist. She was best known for her pictures of the Great Depression era. Her work helped put a human face on the bigger societal issues of the time, such as the Japanese internment camps during World War II. Dogs with this moniker will be into the solving humanitarian issues of the day.
Beginnings are exciting because they are full of possibility and promise. You can hold onto that first day feeling by naming your pooch Canvas. Puppies are a blank canvas. Owners get to help mold them into great dogs. It’s a pawsome metaphor.