Seventy-nine percent of Americans reported having experienced heartbreak in a 2013 YouGov poll, so it's safe to say that most of us know what it feels like to have our romantic feelings completely and utterly crushed. But thanks to two lovebirds — as in literal lovebirds — whose story just went viral on Twitter, we can definitively say that true love still exists.
Maura, a dedicated pet owner, has been caring for a colorful male lovebird named Kiwi for some time. All was well with our protagonist until last year, when Maura realized that his life was missing something: a companion. It was time for Kiwi to settle down.
Like something straight off The Bachelor, Maura began introducing Kiwi to some lady lovebirds to see if they'd be compatible. (Lovebirds can be aggressive toward each other if they're not feeling it, so this process took a while.)
Spoiler alert: Kiwi wound up meeting the love of his life, and they've since found their happily ever after. Move over, Romeo and Juliet!
Kiwi used to be content with the single life.

He romped around outside and hung out with Maura all the time.
But one day, Kiwi decided he'd had enough of bachelorhood.

With Kiwi ready to settle down, Maura began her hunt for his perfect mate.
Initially, she matched him up with an adorable female peach-faced lovebird.

Maura took her home and introduced her to Kiwi.
At first, things were going swimmingly:

But eventually, the two lovebirds started to fight. The peach-faced girlfriend became an ex-girlfriend.
In the end, Maura decided to rehome her.

But a little heartbreak didn't deter Kiwi.
Next, Maura introduced Kiwi to a female masked lovebird named Siouxsie.

At first, the two seemed completely incompatible.
"They are polar opposites. Kiwi is a super friendly fun-loving boy, and Siouxsie is very shy and all business," Maura told BuzzFeed. "She didn't like Kiwi at all at first and would bite if he got near her. However, he won her over quickly."

Soon enough, Kiwi was feeding his girlfriend seed puree — a sure sign that he was courting her. It wasn't long after that when the two birdies decided to take their relationship to the next level. (wink wink)
"They spent the night together in Kiwi's coconut! U know what that means ❤️," Maura tweeted.

(It means BABIES.)
"Siouxsie is expected to lay her eggs in the next week!" Maura tweeted in late April.

Just a few weeks later, Siouxsie and Kiwi welcomed four fuzzy lovebird chicks.

Siouxsie and Kiwi totally embraced their parenting duties.
And their babies grew up to look JUST LIKE THEM: Half-goth, half-rainbow.

"They are all so beautiful & unique ," Maura said of the chicks. "They're so sweet, just want to cuddle all day long."

The babies will stay with Maura until they're weaned and fully feathered, she told BuzzFeed.
"They're all doing great and are so sweet and loving," she dished. "It's definitely going to be difficult to let them go!"

Kiwi and Siouxsie give us hope that everyone has a soulmate out there somewhere.

Maura has since deemed their relationship "the best love story since Romeo & Juliet," and we can't argue with that!