Photographer Captures The Exact Moment Dogs Try To Catch A Treat

If you've ever tossed a treat to your dog, you know that they take trying to catch it very seriously. Some are actually pretty talented at snatching a treat right out of the air, and others, well, not so much.

But whether you have a dog with laser treat-catching vision or one that just kind of lets the treat bonk them in the face and then eats it off the floor, their reactions are all singularly adorable and hilarious.

German photographer Christian Vieler knows just how adorable and hilarious, and he's created a fantastic photo series documenting the lunges, aims, triumphs, and defeats of dogs faced with airborne kibble.

Think Olympic athlete photography, but…droolier.

Dogs have a unique, almost magical ability to make us smile simply by being themselves, which is probably one of the reasons why we love them so much. Even in the face of a natural disaster, one dog's choice of a perch made a reporter burst out laughing.

Check out Vieler's photos of dogs catching (or trying to catch) treats, and you'll be sure to smile!

[H/T: The Dodo]

Facebook / Fotos Frei Schnauze by Christian Vieler

Christain Vieler specializes in photographing dogs and their many expressions.

For this series, he would toss a treat and snap a photo as the dog tried to catch it midair. And the results were fantastic.

Facebook / Fotos Frei Schnauze by Christian Vieler

Some dogs were a little apprehensive about the sudden projectile hurtling towards them.

Facebook / Fotos Frei Schnauze by Christian Vieler

While others went all in with a clear "no fear" attitude.

Facebook / Fotos Frei Schnauze by Christian Vieler

There were the dogs who took a subtle approach.

Facebook / Fotos Frei Schnauze by Christian Vieler

And the ones who were a little more enthusiastic.

Facebook / Fotos Frei Schnauze by Christian Vieler

They also had different strategies for catching the treat. Some, like this pooch, came in from an angle.

Facebook / Fotos Frei Schnauze by Christian Vieler

While others went for the head-on approach.

Facebook / Fotos Frei Schnauze by Christian Vieler

Some were even opportunistic. Hey, when a treat comes flying at you, it's every dog for themselves.

Facebook / Fotos Frei Schnauze by Christian Vieler

Some were naturals, nailing the catch with such accuracy that, it seems, they even surprised themselves.

Facebook / Fotos Frei Schnauze by Christian Vieler

Others…not so much.

Facebook / Fotos Frei Schnauze by Christian Vieler

But no matter their strategies or success, Vieler captured the one feeling that each and every dog had: excitement! Food-falling-from-the-sky levels of excitement!

Facebook / Fotos Frei Schnauze by Christian Vieler

And judging by their expressions, the dog had just as much fun as Vieler with this series.

Facebook / Fotos Frei Schnauze by Christian Vieler

Like, a lot of fun.

Facebook / Fotos Frei Schnauze by Christian Vieler

Even if they were maybe a bit confused by the whole thing.

Facebook / Fotos Frei Schnauze by Christian Vieler

But when they hit the jackpot? Nothing but pure joy!

You can see more of Vieler's dog photos on his website and on Facebook, too.

Is your dog good at catching treats? Tell us in the comments, or try this photo shoot at home and see what you come up with!

And SHARE this charming series with anyone who loves silly dogs!