All women who have had children know that when the baby wants to come into the world, there's no stopping labor!
Labor can occur anywhere and at any time, even at the most inconvenient times, such as while driving on the road, or, like this woman, waiting in the middle of the checkout line at Walmart.
Customers and employees grew worried when a heavily pregnant woman started feeling unwell. She brushed it off as mere stomach problems, but the manager was fetched anyway. An ambulance was called for, just in case.
In the process, there was some difficulty clearly understanding her, as she only speaks Spanish. Luckily, the customer that was behind her speaks both Spanish and English.
Meanwhile, the woman, Cecilia Rivas, was led to a different register. She insisted on paying for her items, but the manager warned otherwise. By then, it was clear: She was in labor.
The woman, on her knees, continued her protests until employees and the manager obliged. And as soon as they did, she began to give birth.
There was a rush to grab clean towels and other supplies, and it only took the baby 15 minutes to arrive. EMTs showed up to find a healthy baby boy in his mother's arms, and all of her items paid for.
Both Mom and her baby boy are healthy and happy. The parents will have quite the story to tell the rest of their family regarding the birth of their third child.
Please SHARE if you're glad this mom was able to give birth in the presence of capable hands — even if it wasn't in the hospital!
Photo source: Twitter / Alex Lozano, YouTube / Locus