A bank teller at a Bank Midwest in Kansas City got the shock of his life when a woman he thought was a customer handed him an urgent note.
The secret note said she was being held against her will and that her kidnapper was with her. Her boyfriend was also a hostage, in an apartment not far away.
Of course, immediate action was required: Police arrived on the scene in no time and arrested the man, who drove the frantic woman to the bank.
Cops and a SWAT team surrounded the area where the boyfriend was being held and went up against four kidnappers, who locked themselves inside. The standoff left the neighborhood's residents in fear, and they waited hours for it to end.
Finally, cops coaxed the kidnappers out of the apartment, and each suspect was arrested. The couple was saved from their captors!
Police are crediting the young woman for her quick thinking and actions. If she hadn't grabbed the opportunity to reach out to a stranger when she did, who knows how much longer she and her boyfriend would have been held.
The circumstances surrounding the kidnapping are currently being investigated.
Please SHARE if you're glad this terrible situation had a happy ending, and that this brave couple is now safe and sound!
Photo source: Twitter / Charles Logan