10 Extremely Common Things You Had No Idea Could Be Aging You

Getting older can be a wonderful thing. You gain wisdom and you have a better idea of what you want out of your own life.

The not-so-wonderful part? Your age and all of that "wisdom" can start to show on your face as wrinkles or spots. While this is a completely natural part of life, and a type of beauty we should certainly embrace, there are some tips and tricks for slowing down the visible signs of aging.

There are certain things that we all know age our skin, like going tanning without any sunblock, picking at blemishes, or not using any kind of moisturizer. Avoiding these are essential to a healthy skincare regimen.

However, we could be doing some other things that we haven't ever thought twice about that are wreaking havoc on our skin, and aging it much faster than it needs to be.

I had no idea about these 10 habits before, and though I plan to embrace my beauty as I age, I'm going to adjust my routine immediately to make sure I don't contribute to the aging process.

Did you know these things could age you prematurely? Please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook who might want to know too!

Thumbnail sources: Flickr 1, 2, 3

1. Washing Your Face Too Much

Flickr / Mick C

Washing your face too often (or more than two times a day) can strip your skin of its essential oils, leaving it dry and more prone to wrinkles and lines.

2. Frowning

Flickr / V. H. D.

Making any type of repetitive facial movement will lead to lines and wrinkles over time, including frowning, squinting, and laughing. Laugh lines? Great, you've lived a happy and humorous life. But frown lines? That's not as flattering.

3. Stress

Flickr / Andrew Imanaka

Stress takes one of the biggest tolls on your body in many different ways. It can even affect your DNA and your brain function, which can cause you to lose sleep, and raise your blood pressure, which all wreak havoc on your skin. Do your best to keep stress at bay with exercise, meditation, or spending time with loved ones.

4. Neglecting Your Eyes

Flickr / vmiramontes

The skin surrounding your eyes is some of the thinnest skin on your body, and it has very few oil glands. This means that if you don't treat that skin with respect, you may begin to see lines and wrinkles earlier than necessary. Find yourself a good eye cream to protect that delicate skin, preferably one containing peptides, caffeine, nicotinic acid, or eyeliss.

5. Using Your Makeup Incorrectly

Face Powder and Sponge
Flickr / Philippa Willitts

You should never apply your makeup starting at your forehead and working your way downwards. This motion will cause wrinkles to form faster, especially around your eyes. Instead, start at your chin, and be sure to be very gentle.

6. Too Much Television

Flickr / Dathan's Pattishall

One study showed that watching too much TV can take years off of your life, having a large effect on your overall body, including your skin. This is more about the sitting still for extended periods of time than the staring at a screen part. So, make sure you're getting up at least every 30 minutes to walk around a bit.

7. Only Using Sunscreen In The Summer

Flickr / Joe Shlabotnik

Even on the dreariest of days, there are still pesky and dangerous UV rays coming through the clouds and damaging your skin. The easiest thing to do is to get a moisturizer with SPF in it, so all you have to do is apply it in the morning before you leave, even in the wintertime.

8. Sleeping Face Down

Flickr / HaoJan Chang

Getting enough sleep is ever-important. However, if you are sleeping with your face smashed into the pillow, you may be adding to the lines and creases on your face. Try to sleep on your back with the back of your head resting on the pillow instead as much as you can.

9. Drinking Through A Straw

Flickr / Suvi Korhonen

Drinking through a straw to avoid stains on teeth seems like a pretty good idea, but think again. Puckering up your lips can cause fine lines around them, and those are irreversible. The same thing goes for smoking. Forego the straw for a regular drinking glass, but just make sure to keep up with your dental care!

10. Extreme Dieting

Flickr / Rain Rabbit

Cutting out too much fat is good for you in many ways, but essential fats help keep your skin plump and supple. I'm talking about the omega 3 fats and other good fats found in foods like flax seeds, avocados, and salmon. Not to mention that fats help keep your brain working in tip-top shape!

Do you take part in any of these aging behaviors? Did we miss anything from our list? Let us know in the comments and please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook!