10-Day-Old Diagnosed With Rare Form Of Meningitis, But 14 Years Later, Brain Surgeries Pay Off

Sean and Erin McGill had their baby girl Taylin and their life changed in an instant.

When Taylin was only 10 days old, she was diagnosed with salmonella bacterial meningitis, a rare infection affecting her brain.

She started life with surgeries, then developed epilepsy and has struggled more than most could ever imagine in her 14 short years alive.

Her mom, Erin, recounts over 100 times that she's been to Boston Children's Hospital for her daughter. She had 20 surgeries, including 14 brain surgeries, visited all 16 departments of the hospital, and has been in every single room in the emergency department.

Everything about this little girl's life was up to fate at some point, but she made it through every single battle.

Today, she's 14 years old, and although some of the effects of her 10-day-old diagnosis are lifelong, she is free of salmonella bacterial meningitis, and constantly growing as a young woman.

She has some memory issues and delays in learning, but Boston Children's Hospital and her loving family have helped Taylin get to a point in life that some doctors never knew if she'd be able to reach.

When you hear her talk and realize all she's gone through, it's impossible not to smile. She's overcome so much and has so far to go!

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