Two Nurses Running Half-Marathon Are Yards From The Finish Line When They See A Man Collapse

Bill Amirault was looking forward to running the Key West half-marathon, and the race started off very well for him.

It was a beautiful day for a race, and Bill, who has a heart condition, was nearing the end of the course. Just yards from the finish line, though, he collapsed. Bill completely blacked out, and didn't wake up until he was being lifted into an ambulance moments later.

While he was unconscious, three people rushed over to help: two nurses and a nurse anesthetist. Bill only caught their first names before being whisked off to the hospital.

Once Bill was in good health, he took to Facebook to track down the people who saved his life, but he only knew their first names.

Within 24 hours, Bill found all three people: Amy Smythe, a cardiac nurse; Lisa Vos, another nurse; and Robbie Ladd, a nurse anesthetist. He was able to reach out to all three of them and thank them for their heroic actions.

Amy said she was shocked at how incredible Bill looked after the incident, and all three of them are happy they were able to help. Lisa, Robbie, and Amy are all glad Bill is doing well, and Robbie says he's sure Bill would have done the same for any of them.

These three people are truly everyday heroes and deserve all our praise. Please SHARE this article on Facebook!