Sick 11-Year-Old Girl Wins A Free Trip, But Then Learns There’s A Little Boy Just Like Her

Piper Francis, an 11-year-old from Hamburg, New York, is a fighter. The young girl is living with a rare heart disease, one so unique, she is only the second child born in the country with the condition, according to her doctors. But that doesn't stop her from trying to live life to the fullest, and last November, she was given an opportunity to do just that.

In November of 2016, Francis was awarded an all-expenses-paid trip to New York City.

The vacation was a dream of hers.

But now, three months later, Francis wants to give the trip away.

This came after she learned about 8-year-old Grant Domogala, a young boy also fighting a heart condition.

"I know what he's going through because I have a heart condition and it's hard," says Francis.

It is because of their similar struggle that she has decided the best thing for her to do with the trip is to gift it to Domogala.

"I really wanted to give this trip to him, so he can get away from all the testing, the traveling, the doctor appointments," she says.

Coincidently, along with fighting heart disease, both Domogala and Francis have the same doctor.

This past Friday, February 10, Grant made a special Valentine for Piper, as a small measure of his appreciation and thanks.

The young boy intends on making his trip to the big city sometime this coming summer.

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