Dad Catches Wife And Baby Fast Asleep, Then Reveals Why He Wants To Be Her ‘Dream Husband’

One new dad is making waves online, advising all his peers to be dream husbands in a viral post about being there for your partner.

Every new parent knows the all-consuming exhaustion of caring for a little one. For moms who have recently given birth, the physical recovery just adds to the fatigue.

One new dad decided to acknowledge that imbalance in a post to the image-sharing site Imgur. While parenting a newborn takes a toll on both parents, it can be extra tough on Mom.

In most cases, she is going through some intense physical challenges that are totally unique to the process of giving birth. This dad decided to make the recovery process as easy on her as possible.

Like the mom who begged husbands to just go ahead and "take the photo," this dad has lots of advice for other men raising newborns. Most important of all? Step up to the plate and be her "dream husband."

Scroll through to read his powerful words about supporting his wife.

Facebook / Love What Matters

A dad on the photo-sharing platform Imgur recently psted an impossibly sweet snap of his family-of-three catching a few Zzz's together.

The photo was quickly picked up by Love What Matters, where it made major waves across social media.

The image and caption quickly racked up some 66,000 reactions, 2,000 shares, and hundreds of comments from approving parents around the world.

Imgur / avidclimber

The photo shows an exhausted pair of new parents getting some much needed rest with their little one.

Mom and baby are both out cold, and Dad is holding the little one close to his chest while snapping the picture.

It's an adorable, quiet scene of a dad appreciating his little family and giving his wife the much-needed rest she deserves after making an entire human.

That's also the theme of the caption he added alongside the photo.

Instagram / avidclimber

His caption, as posted to Love What Matters, reads, "After winning a battle with testicular cancer last year we finally got our firstborn son. I'm now taking care of the baby while mommy takes as many naps as she needs. She's been through an ordeal! Suck it up guys and be her dream husband!"

It's a great piece of advice for other new dads who might be overwhelmed with all the chaos of having a brand-new baby.

Imgur / avidclimber

In comments to the photo and other uploads to Imgur, avidclimber goes into more detail about everything he and his wife have gone through in the past couple of years.

She was by his side through the challenges of a testicular cancer diagnosis and chemo.

Fortunately, he beat the disease, and they were able to start their family.

Imgur / avidclimber

Avidclimber, who works as a dog trainer, already has a houseful of pups learning their manners. Now, the household must be even busier.

Still, even in the craziness of puppies and a baby, this dad found the time to give his wife a few moments of peace.

This is an awesome piece of guidance for all overwhelmed new parents, especially new dads who want to cut their wives some slack.

Imgur / avidclimber

If you were totally bowled over by Dad's awesome advice, be sure to SHARE with friends, family, and anyone who is expecting an addition to their family!