For as long as I can remember, I've been a fan of Wheel Of Fortune. Everyone knows this show, and it's always fun to sit as a family and try to solve puzzles at the same time as the contestants. Sometimes you guess letters and solve puzzles correctly when contestants don't, and that's always a huge confidence boost!
This latest puzzle solution was a no-brainer to me, and clearly to many others.
One contestant, Sima, was close to solving the puzzle before she spun the wheel and landed on "Bankruptcy." It was the next contestant's turn, a man named Kevin.
It seemed inevitable that Kevin was going to capitalize on his chance to win big. There was only one letter left in the phrase "A Streetcar Na_ed Desire."
Of course, many people are familiar with the play by Tennessee Williams, and just knew that "m" was the missing letter in "Na_ed."
Unfortunately, Kevin guessed the letter "k" to spell the word "naked," which host Pat Sajak predictably told him was false. Even the audience was stunned by the wrong guess. Everyone seemed to think that the answer was obvious except for Kevin! In fact, many people are saying that this is the biggest fail in the show's 42-year history!
Were you able to correctly guess the last letter of the puzzle? Let us know in the comments!
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