Before warmer weather comes around, many areas across the country have to deal with heavy rains. These rains flood our yards, streets, and sometimes basements. However, if there's a river in your area, it's best to stay away from it after rainfall.
This warning comes from couple David and Katie Criswell, who live in Tennessee. David was excited to try kayaking on the flooded Stones River, and so the pair ventured out to test the water.
Katie filmed her husband, but also caught a very scary moment on camera. The river had taken control and the current was too strong. David toppled into the water, and his wife watched him get swept away.
Luckily, he was wearing a life jacket, and two neighbors were nearby and able to pull him from the water. He survived, but he warns that an inexperienced kayaker or anyone without a life jacket could have perished.
Rescue squads are also issuing the same warning, saying that it's too dangerous to take the risk of trying to navigate flooded rivers.
Captain Gary Hutchinson of the Murfreesboro Fire Rescue Department explained to WSMV, "The water is moving a lot faster. Water moving as slow as 3 mph can create 60 pounds of force at your lower legs. As you get deeper into the water, it can exert 33 pounds on your body. People don’t realize how fast water is moving."
However, in the event that you find yourself in a perilous situation, he advises, "Call for help as quickly as you can. They need to get into what we call a defensive swim, keep their legs up, feet first down the river, and kind of ferrying where they need to go."
Please SHARE this important information with friends and loved ones!