Do you ever wish you could remember more of what it was like to experience things for the first time as a baby?
When you're an adult watching a little one grow up, you get to relive it all over again. That's one of the wonderful things about being a parent or a grandparent. Pretty much every day you get a nice little reminder that even the simplest things in life can be entirely spectacular.
Trying new foods and flavors for the first time can be a magical thing.
When this little baby girl tried a bit of lime for the very first time, she felt it throughout her whole tiny body. Her response to the tart flavor on her tongue is just about the cutest thing.
In the video below, her big brown eyes get nice and wide, and she can't control her shoulders from doing a shimmy. Mom and Dad laugh at her response, but only because they can tell she really loves it!
You have to see the smile on her face for yourself.
This video may be short and sweet, but it definitely reminds you that there can be just as much joy in a simple piece of fruit as in any other part of life.
Please SHARE this sweet baby girl eating a lime with your friends on Facebook!