Daymond John of Shark Tank has filed a restraining order against three former contestants on the show.
The family of three own Bubba's Q Boneless Baby Back Ribs. They have accused John of trying to take control of their business and of trying to keep them out of the profits.
John's spokesperson insists that things aren't exactly how the family has described them. Zach Rosenfield explained that the family has been attempting "to undermine a business partnership and the legal parameters they agreed to four years ago."
Rosenfield continued, "After repeated attempts to give the Baker’s the ability to correct their violations. It is unfortunate that it has come to this."
He also added, "This temporary restraining order is due to the Baker’s blatant actions to undermine a business partnership and the legal parameters they agreed to 4 years ago. Their belief that they can unwind poor business decisions through slanderous social media posts and articles will no longer be tolerated."
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The family appeared on Shark Tank back in 2013. They claim that part of the problem is that John offered $300,000 for 30% of the business, but renegotiated off-camera for $100,000 for 35%.
There is more about the case in the video below.