Mike Hughes had been a firefighter for most of his adult life. He was retired now but still found himself thinking of the many individuals he encountered during his rescue missions over the years.
According to ABC News, while Mike was working as a captain for the Wenatchee, Washington, Fire Department, he received a call about a family home being on fire. He and his colleagues arrived on the scene and saw that half of the house had already succumbed to the flames.
They spotted a part of the house that was enflamed but not collapsed yet. They decided to look for an entrance to see if anyone was left inside.
Mike trusted his gut and knew that he had to go from room to room to make sure there wasn’t anybody left inside that house. He entered a room and suddenly spotted a sign of life. There was a crib in the room with a baby curled up inside of it.
He grabbed the baby and got her safely out of the house. He later found out that the child he had rescued was just 9 months old.
As the years passed, Mike found himself thinking of that baby often. He wondered how she was doing and if she was safe. These thoughts nagged at him over the years and often kept him up at night.
At one point during his retirement, he decided that he needed to further investigate and find out the baby’s name and what had happened to her. After he turned to some of his old firefighting colleagues for help and came up empty, he turned to his mother for help.
To find out how Mike’s mother helped solve the mystery and what happened when he finally heard from the family, watch this video retelling of Mike's story from Wonderbot.