When you’ve spent your entire adult life giving your all to a company, one might expect a generous retirement gift that shows their appreciation for all your hard work. But in this modern world of low wages and practically nonexistent old-age assistance, it doesn’t always work out that way.
This video story posted by Wonderbot shares the story of 54-year-old Kevin Ford who had worked at Burger King for nearly 30 years with unparalleled attendance and received a goodie bag as a thank-you for his years of service.
Kevin grew up in Alabama and moved to Las Vegas in his early 20s. He soon met someone he fell head over heels in love with and when he needed a job to help support them, he quickly found one at the Burger King in the McCarran International Airport in Vegas.
When things didn’t work out in his marriage, Kevin kept working hard at Burger King to provide for his children. Even though the hours were long and the pay wasn’t great, he tried his very best to show up with a happy heart and smile on his face each day.
When three decades flew by, Kevin took to his Instagram to show off the goodie bag he was gifted from his workplace to celebrate 27 years on the job. Included in that was a gift certificate to the movies and a drink tumbler. And even though he seemed more than pleased in the video, this just didn’t sit right with some people on social media.
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After his display on social media, Today reports how one of Kevin’s daughters decided to make her tireless father a GoFundMe page to see if any of their followers wanted to help so the dedicated single father could travel to visit his grandchildren.
To find out the generous amount of money that was raised and how that touched Kevin Ford, watch the full video posted by Wonderbot.