Jamie Lee Curtis is sharing a funny story about how she almost met Princess Diana and her sons several years ago.
Jamie Lee was filming Fierce Creatures in 1997 when she heard that Diana was coming to the set. As a big fan, Jamie Lee was looking forward to meeting her face-to-face.
She explains, "We had been told that day that Princess Diana and her children were going to come visit. And I admired her so much. We shot all morning, and when we took a tea break, for me, it was a pee break, I jumped in a golf cart and drove the two miles back to my dressing room. I’m in my dressing room peeing when there was a pounding on the door, 'Princess Diana is here!'"
Unfortunately, she didn't make it.
She continues by sharing that she instead ended up writing Diana a letter expressing her sorrow for missing their meeting.
The letter read, "I’m so sorry we didn’t get to meet. I was very much looking forward to it as I admire you greatly. Unfortunately, nature called, and they don’t give me many breaks, so I chose nature over you, not knowing that you were going to arrive right at that moment. I’m so sorry and just think you’re great. My best wishes, Jamie."
This isn't the first time Jamie Lee has praised Diana. In the video below, you can find out how she remembered Diana on the 20th anniversary of her death.