Former editor-in-chief of Lucky magazine, Kim France, recently opened up about the role she played in what went down as an infamous Photoshop fail. Jessica Simpon's appearance on the 2010 cover of the magazine did not depict her true image, and people noticed.
While the cover insinuated that the "I Wanna Love You Forever" singer was finally learning to love her body, the actions of choosing to slim down her physical appearance contradicted the message that was trying to be put across. Kim is now sharing her regrets.
"When the cover film came in, we could see that Jessica was about a size 14 — which is considered normal by many rational standards, but not by glossy magazine standards, not in 2010, and not by a long shot,” Kim wrote for Cup of Jo. “I’d like to be able to tell you that I fearlessly insisted we put her on the cover anyway, looking the way she actually looked. I did not."
"You simply didn’t see larger or even average-shaped women on covers back then, unless they were Oprah [Winfrey]," she continued. So instead, they made the singer much skinnier than what she actually was at the time.
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Kim defends that she had no choice but to alter Jessica's appearance. “Once we had shot a size-14 woman for the cover, that cover wouldn’t have made it out the door and past the bosses unless she was slimmed down. And so I did that, to an insulting degree.” She continued on to write, “Jessica Simpson herself was said to have hated the cover, and who could possibly have blamed her?”