The parking lot in this particular neighborhood had been Joshua Freeman’s hunting ground for over 10 years. When he turned 30, Josh lost his job and one of the only reliable ways he could think to bring in money was to collect plastic and bring it into the recycling center for cash.
Since becoming homeless, Josh had discovered that the world wasn’t always the friendliest of places. Individuals he came across on the street often mocked him for collecting plastic and if he dared ask them for money or food, most simply turned their heads and kept walking.
Even though the manager of the restaurant in which the parking lot sat had cleared Josh to collect whatever he could find there, the wait staff routinely sneered in his direction. Some of them even accused him of being a predator who was waiting to prey on one of them when the time was right, which Josh found appalling.
Josh tried not to let any of their insults or accusations get to him though. Every day, he pulled out a photo of a quaint house that he hoped to one day own. This picture acted as motivation to keep Josh going, even when the going got extremely tough.
One day when he was going through the trash bins behind the restaurant, a young woman who was new to the wait staff came out the back door with a friendly smile on her face. She introduced herself as Cara and offered him a hot beverage and a sandwich.
More from LittleThings: Young Girl Becomes Obsessed With Garbage Cans Until Mom Finally Understands Her Mistake
At first, Josh thought that this woman had to be in on some joke with the other cruel staff members, but when her kind behavior continued for weeks, he started to trust her. One morning, Josh woke up and all of the plastic he had been collecting for years was nowhere to be found. When Cara arrived at work, she found Josh distraught.
To find out the amazing gift that was given to Josh that day, watch the full video posted by Wonderbot.
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