A Tennessee Zoo Asks For Help Naming A Rare Spotless Newborn Giraffe

The natural world is full of miraculous and wondrous things. One of these is on display in Limestone, Tennessee. On July 31, 2023, a spotless reticulated giraffe was born at Brights Zoo. She is one of a kind as she is the only known solid brown creature of her species.

The zoo is now asking for the public’s help in naming her. They created an online poll with four different options to do just that. All of the names are in Swahili, which is a nod to Eastern Africa where reticulated giraffes are originally from.

This little nugget’s mother is keeping a close eye on her. She continues to care for her diligently while her daughter rises to fame. Mothers just know what is best and work to protect their babies from the world, no matter what species they are.

The zoo also knows what a special creature they are nurturing. “Giraffe experts believe she is the only solid-colored reticulated giraffe living anywhere on the planet,” the zoo explained in a statement. It is pretty phenomenal.

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Other spotless giraffe calves have been born before, but none with brown hair. The others all had white coats. It is unknown why she has this special coloring.

This calf is already 6 feet tall. She is now on display for visitors. She is said to be “thriving.”

Zoo founder Tony Bright hopes this little cutie can be an ambassador for her species. Giraffes are in danger in the wild with dwindling populations. “The international coverage of our patternless baby giraffe has created a much-needed spotlight on giraffe conservation,” he explained.

“Wild populations are silently slipping into extinction, with 40% of the wild giraffe population lost in just the last three decades,” he added. In 2008 there were 38,000 wild reticulated giraffes. By 2018, that number was cut in half.

This unnamed unique creature is counting on the public to help her species and give her a moniker. In the running are Kipekee, which means unique; Friyali, which means extraordinary; Shakiri, which means she is most beautiful; and Jamella, which means one of great beauty. The Facebook poll went live on August 22.