The Toledo Zoo in Ohio is requesting the public's help in naming its twin newborn Siberian tigers. The sexes of the tigers were exclusively announced on Today on September 27, 2023, by Toledo Zoo’s curator of mammals, Michael Frushour. Both of the animals are girls, and Michael noted that a set of twin Siberian tigers is "incredibly rare."
According to the curator, there are only 5,000 tigers that are left in the wild and there are fewer than 500 of this particular subspecies left in the wild. The tigers were born on July 20.
He went on to share that the tiger cubs and their mother, Talya, are doing well. The baby tigers will soon be on view to the public at an exhibit at the Toledo Zoo.
"The cubs were born to mom, Talya, and dad, Titan. Talya and Titan had also welcomed twins in 2021," the zoo stated in a Facebook post. "At their last exam earlier this month, the twins were 15 and 16 pounds. Talya and the playful cubs are doing well off-exhibit."
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The zoo launched a vote to help name the cubs. The options are: Calida (Fiery), Kima (Butterfly), Valentina (Strong), Kamilla (Calming), Ember (Spark), Ash (Dream), Maya (Dream), and Nadya (Hope). The two that get the most votes will be the names of the cubs.