People Are Applauding Woman’s Genius Response To A Cruel CEO After Brutal Job Interview

If you've ever had an absolutely brutal job interview, please enjoy living vicariously through this woman's brilliant response to her interviewers' cruelty.

Olivia Bland works in marketing in Manchester, England. In 2019, she had an interview with a company called Web Applications UK. It took two hours and was a total nightmare.

"The CEO Craig Dean tore both me and my writing to shreds (and called me an underachiever)," Olivia shared on Twitter.

Oddly enough, the company offered Olivia the job after the interview.

"This was my response today," she said.

She then included a series of screenshots of her long response, eviscerating the CEO and the entire messed-up interview process.

"I would like to thank you for the offer, but I have decided to decline," she began. "The interview process yesterday was very uncomfortable for me. I understand the impact that Craig was trying to have, but nobody should come out of a job interview feeling so upset that they cry at the bus stop."

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What follows are several lengthy paragraphs in which Olivia explains that the CEO's behavior isn't just "tough" — it's actually abusive.

Business people talking face to face in lobby
Getty Images

Olivia Bland recently had a promising job interview that turned out to be absolutely horrible. She shared the whole experience on Twitter, and it got a lot of attention.

elegant manager lady sitting on wood floor chair
Getty Images

"Yesterday morning I had a job interview for a position at a company called Web Applications UK," Olivia wrote on Twitter.

The day included a "brutal 2-hour interview, in which the CEO Craig Dean tore both me and my writing to shreds (and called me an underachiever)."

@bbc / Giphy

After the interview, Olivia was offered the job. But after what had happened with the company's leaders already, she was not about to accept it.

@vh1 / Giphy

So, she wrote them the best email ever to decline the job. She addressed the email to Vivienne, who's probably the hiring manager.

"There is something very off to me about a man who tries his best to intimidate and assert power over a young woman, and who continues to push even when he can see that he’s making somebody uncomfortable to the point of tears," Olivia wrote.

@oliviabland / Twitter

Olivia went on to compare the interview experience to her previous abusive relationship.

"It was two hours of being told I'm not good enough, and detailing exactly why," she wrote. "I've been in this position before: they tear you down, abuse you, take you to breaking point, and then they take you out to dinner or buy you a present to apologise and make it seem like they're the nice guy. This job is supposed to be the present. I don't want it."

@oliviabland / Twitter

"I'm not going through that again, in any capacity," she wrote. "I suppose I'm supposed to feel privileged to be good enough for the job. I don't."

@thevoice / Giphy

She finished her email by pointing out that she's not the only one who feels this way about the company. The internet is full of reviews that say similar things about Web Applications UK and Craig.

@oliviabland / Twitter

Olivia's emails have now been retweeted over 40,000 times. People adore how this woman stood up for herself — and she's only 22 years old!

@IvanFahy / Twitter

A lot of people have dealt with similarly cruel bosses, and many of them weren't willing or able to turn down the job.

"Unlike you, I took the job where I felt like this in the interview and it was the worst 3 months of my life," one woman wrote.

@Kelly_QPR / Twitter

It's really inspiring to see someone name this behavior for exactly what it is. Olivia's email can serve as an example to others who want to stand up for themselves but don't quite know what to say.

@YugeYun / Twitter

As one man wrote: "A job is a two-way thing."

You should never feel obliged to accept a job out of gratitude, especially when the boss is this crappy!

@DarrenJMcLean / Twitter

Interestingly, one man who's served as a leader in "a number of companies" was also appalled by this CEO's behavior.

"This man's a crushing bore and a bully," he wrote.

@DickWinchester / Twitter

Amen to that! There's simply no excuse for this type of behavior and it's not fair that bosses routinely get away with treating employees like dirt.


After Olivia's post went viral, Craig offered an apologetic response on Twitter — but Olivia wasn't having it.

"You told me in my interview that people have walked out and cried when you've interviewed them, so I don't know why you're acting surprised for being called out," she wrote.

This woman is amazing. Somebody hire her — stat!