I think all parents have, at one time or another, given their children something different to eat just to see their silly reaction. Usually it starts with a lemon wedge that the littles are reaching for. You finally let them have it and, when they taste the sourness of the lemon, their face puckers up in the funniest way.
One of the best things to try this little experiment with is the classic childhood candy Pop Rocks. First appearing on store shelves in 1975, the carbonated candy creates the coolest (and weirdest) fizzy reaction in your mouth when you pop a few of the crystals in there. As it dissolves in your mouth, Pop Rocks actually feels like nothing you've ever tasted before.
In the below video, posted to YouTube by AFV Kids, a three-year-old girl tries the classic candy for the first time, and her reaction is pretty darned hilarious. At first, the little girl isn't quite sure what is happening inside her mouth. She's quiet and inquisitive, but not really doing anything out of the ordinary yet.
But a few seconds later, the little girl gasps and grabs the back of her head. She's wondering where that funny sound is coming from (likely the fizzy popping inside of her mouth sounds like it's coming from behind her).
"Bug in my hair," she says as she rubs the back of her head.
The little girl is smiling and laughing, but she clearly doesn't really know what's going on inside of her head as the candy fizzes and pops. It's all very cute.
After that, she starts to ham it up a little bit as the reaction she's getting from her parents is great, but for those few short moments when she first tossed the Pop Rocks into her mouth, she experienced something that she had never felt before — that magical moment we've all had when we tried this revolutionary candy for the first time. How cool!
Please SHARE this adorable video with all your friends and family!