It's well known that border collies are one of the smartest dog breeds out there, but after watching this video, it seems like they may also be one of the most empathetic!
New babies cry. They cry when they're hungry, they cry when they're tired, they cry when they need to be changed — and for exhausted new parents, it often seems like they might actually just cry for the sake of crying.
This border collie isn't having any of that. Watch as he expresses that he feels his new baby sister's distress by howling along with her as she cries. According to well-known expert “Human Trainer” and Dog Behaviorist Caesar Milan, this is not unusual. Dogs are very tuned-in to the energy that is around them. When a baby cries, a dog picks up on what they consider to be unstable energy, and it causes them distress. In essence, there is a disturbance in the pack.
In the wild, dogs generally howl for two reasons: to guide a wayward pack member back home or to warn intruders that they are encroaching in their territory. It is thought that, in times of distress, dogs are perhaps trying to signal their owners, the “pack leaders” (to borrow Milan's expression), that there is a situation at hand that needs to be dealt with.
Whatever the reason, it's hard not to find this dog-baby bond beautiful!
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