Dale Partridge is an entrepreneur, husband, and father. He and is wife, Veronica, have two beautiful children. On Dale's Facebook page, he is pretty open about his family life and what it means to be a good husband to his wife and father to his children.
In one of his recent blog posts, he looked at his dutiful wife and wondered if he was doing enough. Veronica is a stay-at-home mom who spends the week managing the household and taking care of her children. Dale takes care of the finances by going to work.
This kind of partnership isn't anything new, but every mother knows that Dad may get to clock out of work, but being mommy is a 24/7 job.
The real question is whether or not Dad is aware of how hard Mom works. Needless to say, Dale didn't shy away from sharing his thoughts on how hard Veronica works for him and the kids.
[H/T: Dale Partridge]

She spends all week serving me and the kids. I spend all week serving the bills. Most men think it's a fair trade, but I doubt it.

Husbands, we are no more entitled to a restful weekend than our wives. The badge of "breadwinner" doesn't authorize us to escape our home duties come Saturday and Sunday.

The luxury of rest is a gift many men steal from their wives each weekend. Remember, the 40-hour work week is a cultural standard, but God tells us to share our wive's burdens and protect her from strain.
It's okay to rest, God even commands it, just make sure you're not the only one doing it.

Men, are you treating your wives and daughters like rare jewels or like common items?

Our priorities are seen in how we book our calendars and how we spend our cash. If your family isn't taking the lion's share of those areas, it might be time to reevaluate.

Closeness doesn't replace connection. Millions of husbands spend every day sitting three feet away from a woman they only connect with a few times per year. Men, our wives need connection in the same way we need respect. It would shock you how much 10 minutes a day of uninterrupted, meaningful two-way conversation can change your marriage. Remember, a cherished wife is a crown for a man. The question is, are you willing to put it on?
What do you think of Dale's advice to husbands? Let us know in the comments!
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