Dads working around the house are always trying to be on their A-game.
They can't mess up because they know they'll hear it from their wife. But in this case, a dad heard it from his kid!
While this dad does handiwork around the house, his son gets intrigued very quickly. And their interaction is a hysterical, adult-like argument, clearly continued for entertainment.
As Dad's son stands up against his baby fence, he starts yelling over to him. And his dad responds, going back and forth, even pointing to the measurements on the wall, seemingly explaining his work.
It's as if they're arguing about what Dad's doing wrong, or right. And I have a feeling that the mom, or whoever is recording, is getting a kick out of the dad's growing frustrations.
I wonder who won this argument. Can you tell? These are the times we all wish we could speak baby!
I think this father–son duo will end up agreeing at some point in their lives, or they'll just help each other grow! What's better than that?
This dad definitely got a kick out of his vocal little boy, and I think the rest of the world will, too. Watch below and tell us what you think!
Please SHARE this funny father–son moment with all your loved ones on Facebook today!