Nowadays, so many people have pets that it looks like it's easy peasy to take care of them. Except there's one thing: It isn't easy to take care of them. A pet requires a lot of the same work and energy that taking care of a kid does — especially when you have a dog. The only problem is kids can eventually tell you what they need, how they're feeling, and why they're throwing a tantrum on the floor. Your dog will, at best, make some incomprehensible noises and shoot judgmental looks your way. Still, there's no denying that dogs are a part of the family, no matter how much of your stuff they ruin or how many pieces of steak they steal off your plate when you're not looking. One look into those eyes and you know you'll forgive them.
All this aside, one dog owner in Miami learned the perils of pet parenthood at the hands of his very own parent.
Alex is a 22-year-old student from Miami.

He's also the pet owner in question.

Alex's pooch, Nieves, is a 10-year-old toy Maltese. What a pretty girl!

And like any good girl in Miami, Nieves loves her Dolphins and keeping her looks on fleek.

Nieves had a grooming appointment at PetSmart, and since Alex's dad pretty much always picks her up, he went to get her when she was done.
So it should've been business as usual, right?

See, there were two toy Malteses waiting to be picked up at PetSmart.

While this pooch is a cutie in its own right, this dog is not Nieves!
So... who is (s)he?

When Alex and his brother confronted his dad about the error, at first he was in disbelief. He finally admitted that something seemed… off.

Alex couldn't resist sharing the hysterical mix-up on Twitter, which had everyone rolling on the floor, laughing.
Alex's dad joked that he had to go back and get Nieves before Alex's mom found out.
Alex and his brother bid their new buddy farewell.
This time, Alex's dad played it safe.

He made sure to send a picture in the family group text so he didn't make the same mistake twice. Can't say we blame him.

Some people couldn't imagine making such a mistake.

Other people totally understood how it could happen to Alex's dad.

Some people had dad mix-up stories of their own. Imagine getting the wrong kid?!

At least Alex's dad can feel better knowing it's happened to other people!