Mom Gives Birth In The Middle Of The Highway, Then Dad Uses His Shoelace To Save The Day

While driving with her family on a highway, Stephanie Stonis suddenly went into labor in the car. Stephanie had begun feeling contractions early that day, so she'd told her husband Mark to get their daughters ready for school and prepare to go to the hospital.

Unfortunately, the hospital was 30 minutes away. During her last deliveries, Stephanie had gone into labor so quickly that they barely made it to the hospital.

The couple knew the baby would be arriving sooner rather than later. Mark pulled the car over on the highway and had to deliver the baby himself.

“I kind of thought this could happen fast, so let’s get in the car and be ready and get there,” Mark said.

That's when Dad got out his shoelace, which he used to tie off the baby's umbilical cord.

“I really did not want to pull over. I did not want her to have that baby on the road in the car, on the side of the road,” Mark said. “I wanted to be in the comfort of a hospital, the professionals dealing with what they do best.”

Though Mark said he panicked the entire time, he still managed to successfully deliver the couple's healthy baby boy.

Watch the video below and SHARE if you thought this was some great improvisation in a critical moment.