Just like moms, dads can stay at home with their kids so that their partner can work and provide for the family. They play with their kids, take them to school, make them their lunches, and do anything stay-at-home moms do.
Chris Illuminati is one of those parents. He and his wife realized how expensive daycare was, and thought it would be better if the father of two stayed at home with the kids while his wife worked.
Chris, like any parent, has made some important and often hilarious observations about parenting. He writes them down on Post-its and leaves them around the house for his wife to find. Surely, after reading them, she gets a kick out of the jokes. This way, she can be caught up on all the goings-on she missed over the course of the day.
You can read a couple of the dad's witty jokes in the photos below. To see more of them, you can visit his page, Message With A Bottle, or his Instagram account!

Chris Illuminati is a dad of two young children. He stays at home with the kids while his wife works.

Chris does everything a stay-at-home mom does, and makes the same observations every parent makes.

He turns them into jokes and writes them on Post-its for his wife to find.

He loves to joke around about how tiring it is to have kids — something any parent can sympathize with.

He picks up funny lines from his kids too!

Chris reflects on how he used to be and how he is as a parent and realizes that things really aren't how they used to be.

Even the prospect of having any more children can seem a little scary!

Chris may joke around about his parenting skills, but we're sure he's a fine dad who loves his kids very much!
Please SHARE if you think the notes this dad leaves for his wife are absolutely hilarious!