Daughter Thinks Dad’s Old Green Polo Is ‘Uncool’ Til She Finds Photo Of Late Mom In Similar Top

It's not at all unusual for kids to think their parents are uncool. As we get older, though, we normally start to come around and realize they're actually just normal human beings with their own flaws and quirks.

Even though they may be normal, they still have some dorky tendencies (as we all do).

Twitter user @922_riaru noticed that her dad kept wearing the same green polo shirt, even though it was really old and had started to fall apart.

She thought it was "uncool," but she assumed he must have some sort of reason for keeping it for so long.

He always sewed it up any time it ripped, and even though it was so old, he made sure it was always wearable. He even wore it on important occasions.

It wasn't until recently that she realized her dad kept the polo shirt in memory of her mom (his wife), who'd passed away 18 years ago.

[H/T: BuzzFeed]

Twitter / @922_riaru

@922_riaru posted some photos on Twitter of her dad wearing the shirt.

The photos went completely viral, with over 82,000 retweets and over 307,000 likes in less than a month.

Twitter / @922_riaru

She snapped a picture of her dad while out to dinner one night, wearing the beaten up old polo shirt.

Then she explained that she never understood why he still clung to the ratty shirt — until she found a photo of him wearing it in a picture from her parents' honeymoon.

Pixabay / irenne56

She was flipping through her deceased grandfather's photo album when she came across some of her parents' honeymoon pictures.

Her parents went to Venice on their honeymoon, and a few pictures feature the two of them wearing contrasting polo shirts.

Twitter / @922_riaru

Her dad was wearing a green shirt with a yellow collar, and her mom was wearing a yellow shirt with a green collar.

It's clear in the photos just how happy they were on their honeymoon.

Twitter / @922_riaru

Once she saw the photos, @922_riaru realized that the green polo must hold special sentimental value for her dad.

Even though her mom passed away almost two decades ago, her dad definitely hasn't lost his feelings for her.


@922_riaru told BuzzFeed News:

I wondered why he kept on wearing that old polo shirt. Why didn’t he just buy a new one?

I never imagined that the polo shirt would contain such a special memory for him.

Twitter / @922_riaru

She continued:

When that polo shirt gets a hole in it, he carefully sews it back together.

He wears it for any special occasion, be it a work study event or a trip out with the family.

Twitter / @922_riaru

And finally, she said:

I always thought he was so ‘uncool’ for continuously wearing the same old polo shirt. 

But now I think that I have to look after memories too. I will never throw away anything important of my parents and grandparents.

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