Daughter Surprises Her Dad With A Pool While He’s Fighting Cancer

When it comes to making their parents happy, children can have the biggest and most generous hearts.

After Skylar Handsman found out that her father would not be able to swim in the public pool due to his cancer treatment, she knew that she had to find a way to help him.

Alan Handsman, a firefighter in New City, NY, for the last 24 years, was diagnosed with Stage 3 multiple myeloma, a rare cancer of the blood. Therefore, the bacteria in a public pool could be very harmful to his health.

But Skylar and her sister Jade have always loved swimming with their father, and he was devastated to learn this news. That is when Skylar took matters into her own hands.

She reached out to a local pool company and offered them her entire life savings if they could help her family get a pool. When Westrock Pools got her letters, they were absolutely moved by this sweet 10-year-old.

They called the Handsman home, and that is when Skyler's mom, Tara, learned what her daughter had been up to! Westrock Pools offered to donate a pool to the family, along with maintenance for life! Thanks to Skylar and this company, Alan is able to spend the summer with his daughters in the pool.

[H/T: USA Today]

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