In 2012, Dyan and his wife Alik fled their village in war-torn Sudan for refugee camps in Africa. In the midst of the chaos, Dyan was separated from Alik and their kids, and written evidence of their marriage was destroyed. Alik was processed as a single mother while Dyan was sent to the bottom of the resettlement list as a single man — a demographic that doesn't typically get chosen for resettlement in the United States.
When Alik arrived in Fort Worth, Texas, she was pregnant with their third child. She had no idea if she would ever see Dyan again.
Molly and Mary Claire, two moms from Fort Worth, signed up to volunteer with a refugee resettlement agency called Catholic Charities. Molly and Mary Claire were matched up with Alik and her family, and formed an unbreakable bond with the pregnant and terrified mother. They were even there when Alik gave birth to her third child.
With the help of their church home group, Molly and Mary Claire took in Alik and her children. Dyan, who was stuck in the refugee camp, hadn't seen his 8-year-old seen since the boy was four. He had never even met his 3-year-old.
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Though there was little-to-no hope for a reunion between Alik and Dyan, Molly and Mary Claire did everything they could. They met with social workers, submitted paperwork, and spoke with politicians and immigration attorneys. But they were always told the same thing: "It'll be a miracle if this happens."
Then, four years after Dyan and Alik were separated, hope and faith prevailed. You do not want to miss the reunion that took place at the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport.
Video Credit: Robert Fuqua, producer / The North Hill