When the last kid leaves the house, it's not always easy for parents.
That (mostly) sweet little boy or girl that you've spent the last 18 or so years loving, feeding, driving around, and teaching how to be an adult has finally reached the point of takeoff. It's time for them to fly away from the nest!
This leaves a lot of parents extremely downtrodden and lonely, and it can even be a strain on your romantic relationship. The strain, however, can be avoided if you handle the situation correctly. The first thing you need to do in order to handle it properly is realize what a blessing it actually is!
There are two sides to every coin, and the key to living a happy, fulfilling life is to recognize the bright side of each one. Once your kids leave for college, or even if they are older and finally leaving to a different state or moving across an ocean, there are still so many wonderful things to look forward to.
It's time for the next exciting adventure in life!
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Thumbnail Photo: Flickr / simpleinsomnia
1. Lower Insurance Rates

Depending on your insurance and your specific situation, you may be able to get some discounts on your insurance. McClain Insurance says that you may be able to get a good student discount if your child earns good grades in college, or a distant student discount if they have traveled far away.
Check with your specific insurance provider and see what kinds of discounts you may be entitled to now that your kids are out of the house.
2. No More Homework

No matter how good a student your kid may have been, homework is always an issue. Whether you were pestering your kids to get their work done or dealing with the anxiety that comes with an overachiever getting work done well and on time, homework is a stress on the household.
You may still hear about it if they're headed off to college, but it's no longer in the heart of your home, thank goodness.
3. A Lower Grocery Budget

There is no question that teens eat tons of food — not to mention all the snacks and goodies parents keep around to feed not only them but also their friends. When your kids leave the house, even if it's not until long after college — as we all know is more common these days — you'll notice a huge dent in your grocery bill.
You can now put that extra money towards your bills, debts, and maybe even something nice for yourself for once!
4. More Opportunity For Romance

Many say that an empty nest is an opportunity for a second honeymoon, a time to rekindle the flame. AARP says that, yes, some don't cope with this time so well at first, but there are plenty of ways to make sure that the transition goes smoothly.
Finding time to get to know each other again, as you did when you were once strangers, is a great way to rediscover what you really love about your partner. Eighteen or more years of parenthood can make you lose track of what first drew you to the one you love.
5. More Freedom To Travel

Not only is it cheaper to travel when you aren't going with the kids, you also have more freedom to plan the vacation of your dreams.
You can spend as much time as you want at fancy restaurants or museums without one kid complaining about the food options and the others fighting over whether or not learning about the history of a place in a museum is interesting or not.
6. Cooking Whatever The Heck You Want

Vegetarians, dieters, chicken-nugget-only-eaters, gluten-free — kids these days have very high demands when it comes to their diets.
Now, you can eat cereal or instant mashed potatoes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day of the week, if that's what you fancy.
7. A Cleaner Space

Once the kids are gone, you won't have to deal with their inability to load and empty the dishwasher or put their own clothing away.
Your home is yours again, and your carefully fluffed pillows and kitchen countertops will no longer be littered with headphones, sweatshirts, or anything at all. That is, unless you, too, are a litterbug in your own home!
8. More Time Dedicated To Self-Improvement

When your children are at home, you're going to fret about them all the time. It's just part of being a parent. Once they're gone and taking care of themselves (well, for the most part), you'll have more time to dedicate to making yourself healthy and happy.
This could mean spending more time at the pool swimming laps, taking morning walks, paying attention to what you eat, or learning something new at the local community college. Whatever it is that you've been waiting to check off of your to-do list, you can finally do!
9. Peace And Quiet

I bet that you forgot what it's even like to have a quiet home. No more TVs blaring unless it's a show that you want to watch. No more video games emitting horrendous noises. No more general fuss. This might sound a bit lonely at first, but if you really crave the commotion, cause your own!
Discover new music and blast it through the speakers, or embrace the quiet and pick up a book you've been dying to read in your newly-tidy living room.
10. Higher Quality Family Time

Let's face it, sometimes it takes a bit of distance for the kids to really appreciate how much they really need you, love you, and want to spend time with you.
Just you wait — if it doesn't happen as soon as they leave, within a few months or years your family time will be even more special and appreciated than it was before.
Are you a recent empty nester or already enjoying the benefits of an empty nest? Please SHARE with all of your family and friends on Facebook!