Bride Shares A Sweet Dance With Her Wheelchair-Bound Father At Her Wedding

Watching a loved one's health diminish right before your eyes is something that no one should ever have to go through.

But, unfortunately, it is a devastating norm for some families.

This video touched a soft spot with me because of the journey that I can imagine this woman has gone through. She's watched her father's struggles with Parkinson's disease, the same way that I had watched my grandmother's health diminish because of cancer.

She is so thankful to have had this memory now, which she knows that not everyone always gets the chance to make. And I am so thankful to be able to share this, because of how eye-opening and thought-provoking it has proven to be.

She is so proud of her father's hard work leading up to this moment, and she shares this personal video in hopes that everyone can realize and appreciate all of the simple things in life that we tend to take for granted.

Something as simple as clicking play on this video is something that her father will never do with ease again.

Life is too short to let the little things go unnoticed or underappreciated.

The people in your life are the ones who matter most in the end, and it's amazing to see that this father-daughter duo has an apparent bond full of love.

Please SHARE this amazing video if you know what it's like to watch a loved one struggle, and were touched by this beautiful moment!