Blue or pink? Learning the gender of a baby is a very exciting moment even for family and friends of the parents-to-be.
Creative gender reveals have become increasingly popular among couples who want to find out the gender of their baby before birth. Some parents-to-be are throwing gender reveal parties to find out the sex of their baby in a unique way, such as having their loved ones cover them in powder paint.
A gender reveal party is a gathering of family and friends where the couple reveals the sex of their baby in a creative way. Guests attending the party are typically not expected to bring a gift for the parents-to-be or the baby. The party is simply a way for couples to celebrate with their loved ones while enjoying a slice of pink or blue cake.
If you’re planning to share the sex of your baby, use our list of popular and creative gender reveal ideas below. We especially think No. 30 is a unique idea. You can also use our Chinese Gender Predictor Chart or try the Baking Soda Gender Test as a fun way of predicting your baby’s gender before the big gender reveal.
Did we miss any gender reveal ideas? Let us know in the comments!
1. Gender Reveal Cake
Eating cake is always a great way to celebrate. A gender reveal cake is a cost-effective option because it also serves as food for your guests. You can also save money by making a cake yourself. To make a DIY gender reveal cake, add blue or pink food coloring to cake batter and frost the outside of the cake with a gender-neutral color like white or yellow. At the party, cut a slice out of the cake and serve to your guests.
2. Gender Reveal Box
Gender reveal boxes have become one of the most popular gender reveal ideas. For this, you take a large box and fill it with either pink or blue balloons. When you open the box, the balloons will fly out to reveal the gender of your baby. Just have someone double-check that the balloons are the right color!
3. Gender Reveal Pictures
Taking a creative family photo is a popular choice for many couples who may not want to throw a big party. It’s an easy way to announce your baby’s gender to family and friends who live far away because you can share the photo in a card, email, or social media.
Here are a few gender reveal ideas for pictures:
- Pose with a pink or blue onesie.
- Hold tiny pink or blue baby shoes.
- Paint your baby bump blue or pink.
- Throw pink or blue confetti.
- Hold pink or blue balloons.
- Blow a pink or blue bubble with bubblegum.
- Hold a cute or funny gender reveal sign and circle the correct gender. Popular sayings include:
- “He or She?”
- “Guns or Glitter?”
- “Buck or Doe?”
- “Boots or Bows?
- “Rifles or Ruffles?”
- “Touchdowns or Tutus?”
- “Lures or Lace?”
- “Hair Bow or Bow Tie?”
- “Staches or Lashes?”
- “Little Man or Little Miss?”
4. Gender Reveal Cake Pops or Cupcakes
Gender reveal cake pops and cupcakes are also a fun way to announce the sex of your baby while serving your guests some dessert. The inside of the cake pops or cupcakes can be filled with either pink or blue cake. But unlike a cake, party guests can all participate in finding out the baby’s gender by taking a bite from their cupcake or cake pop at the same time. Use our easy gender reveal cake pop recipe if you want to make these treats yourself.
5. Gender Reveal Piñata
If you want to build the suspense of finding out the gender of your baby, you can use a piñata and really work hard for the answer. Gender-reveal-themed piñatas are sold in stores, or you can use a box for a DIY project. Some couples choose to fill the piñata with blue or pink candy, while others fill it with blue or pink confetti.
6. Gender Reveal Balloon Pop
Like a piñata, a balloon pop can be an exciting baby gender reveal for either a party or photo shoot. You can fill a balloon with pink or blue confetti and then pop it to reveal the gender.
7. Gender Reveal Confetti

This is a cheap gender reveal option that will photograph well. Buy pink or blue confetti or DIY confetti by cutting up colored paper. Hand out the confetti to party guests in little bags and have everyone throw it at the same time.
8. Gender Reveal Party Poppers

Party poppers are a fun way to get all of your party guests involved in the baby gender reveal. Everyone grabs a party popper and pops it at the same time to reveal pink or blue confetti.
9. Gender Reveal With Paint
Paint can be used for photos or a party. You can have a can of paint filled with either pink or blue paint and open it at a baby reveal party. For couples who are willing to get a little messy, you can also fill water guns with colored paint to have your guests shoot at you. Wear white clothes to make the color really stand out and look amazing in photos.
10. Gender Reveal Nursery Art
Buy different shades of pink or blue spray paint and hide the color on the bottle by wrapping it in white paper. Lay out a large white canvas and have your guests gather around it. At the same time, have your guests spray the canvas. When you’re done, you’ll have a pretty piece of art for your nursery!
11. Gender Reveal Bonfire
This would be a great idea for a fall gender reveal party. Have your family and friends gather around a bonfire and toss in a flame-color-changing chemical to share the sex of your baby.
12. Gender Reveal Smoke Bomb

Smoke bombs can be used in many creative ways. One idea we like is placing them inside a pumpkin for a Halloween baby gender reveal party. Be sure to follow the safety guidelines if you decide to use these.
13. Gender Reveal Fireworks
If you’re ready to reveal your baby’s gender around the 4th of July, then a fireworks display is the perfect choice. Set off fireworks for guests in either blue or pink. Just make sure fireworks are legal in your area!
14. Silly String Gender Reveal
If you don't mind having a mess to clean up after, have party guests spray pink or blue silly string to learn the gender of your baby. For a really fun photo, have your family and friends cover you in the silly string like this couple did.
15. Gender Reveal Darts

Create a balloon dartboard and fill the balloons with blue or pink paint. Throw a dart at the board when you’re ready to reveal the sex of your baby.
16. Gender Reveal Riddle
Here’s a creative way to really build suspense for your party guests. Create a riddle and write it out onto several pages like this couple did at their gender reveal party. Have your guests read the riddle as you flip through it. On the last page, tape an envelope with a “?” written on the outside and the baby’s gender written on a letter on the inside. Open the envelope and read what the letter says!
17. Hershey Bar Gender Reveal

On Hershey's chocolate bars, color in the letters “She” or “He” in pink or blue. Wrap the bars in white paper and have guests unwrap them at the same time.
18. 'Heads Up!' Game Gender Reveal
Try a variation of this couple’s creative pregnancy announcement and turn it into a gender reveal announcement. Create a custom deck on Ellen DeGeneres’ Heads Up! game and have your friends and family act out the gender of your baby.
19. Gender Reveal Eggs

Fill eggs with colored confetti or dye the inside of the eggs with pink or blue food coloring using step-by-step instructions. Have guests crack the eggs at the same time or mail an egg to out-of-town family and friends.
20. Gender Reveal Football
If you're a sports fan, you can buy balls for virtually any sport you like filled with bright pink or blue powder that will explode on impact. You can kick a football or hit a baseball to reveal a big cloud of blue or pink powder.
21. Gender Reveal Scratch-Offs

Feeling lucky? Purchase scratch-off cards that reveal either “It’s a girl” or “It’s a boy.” This is also a fun baby reveal idea to send to relatives and friends who live far away.
22. Gender Reveal Bath Bombs

For a cute idea, fill a clear plastic tub with water and add a rubber duckie on top. When ready, add a color-changing bath bomb to the water to reveal your baby’s gender to guests.
23. Gender Reveal Drink
Give each guest a mystery packet of colored drink mixes in blue or pink and have them pour it in a bottle of water at the same time. You can even come up with cute names for the drink mixes, like “Baby Dust.”
24. Bow and Arrow Gender Reveal
Put a balloon on a target with pink or blue paint inside. Using a bow and arrow like this dad-to-be, hit the target to reveal the sex of your baby.
25. Gender Reveal Straws

Buy color-changing straws and have guests place them in drinks at the same time to find out the gender of the baby. This a good option for couples who need last-minute ideas, as you can find these straws on Amazon.
26. Gender Reveal Cards

Create a pull-tab card to mail to your family and friends, like this one by Candi Mandi, who even provides a free template download of the design.
27. Gender Reveal Trivia

Make a “Bow or Bow Ties?” trivia board like these parents-to-be did. Have your guests ask you baby- and parenting-related trivia questions. For example: “What was the most common baby girl name in 2016?” If the couple gets it right, they get to draw a pink bow or a blue bowtie out of a bag and put it up on the board. Once you're out of bows and bowties, the gender will be revealed!
28. Gender Reveal Fortune Cookies

Decorate fortune cookies with pink and blue frosting then fill the cookies with a slip of paper that says “It’s a girl” or “It’s a boy.” Have guests open them at the same time to reveal the gender of your baby.
29. Gender Reveal Piñata Cookies

Buy or bake cookies that look like a baby onesie and fill them with pink or blue candy. Have guests open their piñata cookies at the same time to find out the sex of the baby.
30. Gender Reveal Hair Dye
Of all the gender reveal ideas, this may be the most unique. Remember the "hidden rainbow hair" trend? Why not try doing hidden blue or pink hair? To pull off this gender reveal, dye a strip of your hair blue or pink underneath your normal color. When you’re ready to reveal, tie your hair up for guests to see. You could even do this halfway through the party and see who notices first!
31. Gender Reveal Scavenger Hunt
Send your family and friends on a scavenger hunt to find out the gender of your baby. One idea for ending the hunt is having the last clue be to open the oven and pull out a gender reveal cake like this couple did.
32. Gender Reveal Balloon Drop

Buy blue or pink balloons depending on your baby’s gender. Hang a solid-colored balloon drop tarp (so guests can’t see through) or a box filled with the balloons. Attach a string to the drop for each person to hold. Pull the strings at the same time to reveal the gender of your baby.
33. Baby Furniture Gender Reveal
If you have an old piece of furniture that you want to DIY and fix up with new paint for the nursery, consider putting your gender reveal party guests to work. Give party guests a can of spray paint and conceal the color of the paint by wrapping the bottle with paper. Stand around the piece of furniture you want to paint and spray at the same time to reveal the gender.
34. Gender Reveal Sparklers
Give your friends and family members a blue or pink sparkler and have them light it at the same time. If you already know the baby’s gender but want to share it with your guests, you could instead write out “boy” or “girl” with a blue or pink sparkler. This can make for a very pretty photo op! Pro tip: If the sparklers you bought aren't colorful enough, you can adjust the color in Photoshop!
35. Gender Reveal Brag Book

This is a great idea to use for revealing the baby’s gender to grandparents. Make a brag book photo album filled with your ultrasound photos. On the last page, write “It’s a girl” or “It’s a boy.” Your parents will be thrilled to have photos they can show off to their friends.
36. Volcano Gender Reveal
This idea is perfect for siblings. Get the kids involved in finding out whether they’re getting a baby brother or sister by using a volcano. The kids can help make a volcano out of papier-mâché. Fill your volcano with water, vinegar, and dish detergent, then either pink or blue food coloring. When you’re ready to reveal the gender, have the kids add baking soda to watch the volcano erupt.
37. Play-Doh Gender Reveal

Another fun idea for kids to do as a way for them to find out the gender of their sibling is to use Play-Doh. If the kids are disappointed by the result, at least they have some Play-Doh to ease the pain!
38. Baby Clothes Gender Reveal

This couple had a creative gender reveal idea that they shared between just the two of them. After having the gender of their baby written on a sonogram, they went shopping for an outfit for a baby boy and a baby girl. They then handed the cashier the sonogram and asked that the correct outfit be wrapped up for them to open later for a gender reveal.
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