Woman Is Halfway Through Pregnancy When Her Gut Says Ultrasound Was Wrong

In July 2016, Carissa Nunez found out she was pregnant. She and her husband, Nick, really wanted a boy from the very beginning. (She admits she always favored boys, even when she was little.)

At seven weeks pregnant, Carissa told Nick she had a feeling it was a girl. So did he. From that point on, they only shopped for "girly" things for the baby … even though it was too soon to tell if they were even right!

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Halfway through the pregnancy, the couple went in for an elective ultrasound to find out the gender. They were still both convinced they were having a girl.

During the scan, the baby was flipping around inside the womb with its feet crossed in a strange position. It looked like there was something between the baby's legs, but the technician said it wasn't the umbilical cord. The tech insisted it was a boy.

According to CNN, gender reveals at ultrasounds are not always 100% accurate:

"Size of the uterus, abdominal scars, position of the baby and other factors that can play into it. If it's a male, and the testicles haven't descended, it can look like a female. Making the wrong call happens more frequently than we realize, perhaps as high as one out of ten times."

That said, Carissa and Nick snapped a smiling photo outside of the health center, but they were still reluctant about the baby's gender. Just as Carissa started calling her friends to deliver the news, an unknown number called her phone.

"How far away are you?" the voice asked her.

As it turned out, the ultrasound tech was a fill-in for the owner, who usually performs these scans. And she asked Carissa and Nick to return at once.