While it seems like Silas was just born, Justin Timberlake's son is currently 5 — and helping his dad celebrate Father's Day the best way he can. And that's by helping his dad reflect on privilege and the importance of ending the cycle of racism that's currently still prevalent in the United States.
The singer figured that the holiday was a good time to reflect on what's happening in the world. While showcasing some new Silas photos, Justin used his caption to talk about how he's raising his son.
"Boys grow up to be fathers," he wrote. "I think about that a lot these days. We try to teach our son to love and to respect everyone — we teach him that all people are all created equal, and that no one should be treated differently because of the color of their skin."
Justin was prompted by the unfortunate death of George Floyd on May 25. George was also a father. The 46-year-old's death went viral after a police officer named Derek Chauvin used unnecessary force to detain George while he was in custody for a petty crime.
The death has shaken the country, causing protests throughout the United States. It's been an important topic for celebrities with a platform to talk about with their fans.
"We teach him this because one day, he will go on to teach his kids the same," Justin continued. "It's a cycle. And right now, as we all work to undo generations of discrimination that have plagued our system and our communities across this country… I'm reminded today that the first lessons start at home."
"I'm grateful for both of my dads and my mother for teaching me those lessons from the beginning," he said. "And for listening to me when I had something to say that they hadn't learned. I pray for that humility with my own son."
Silas was born in 2015 and is the only child of Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake. While Justin isn't afraid to talk about his son and parenting, photos are a rarity — which is why Justin's post got a lot of attention. Hopefully, his fans also made a point to read the heartfelt caption.
It may feel difficult to talk to your children about what's happening, but many feel it's very important to do so, because change can't happen unless people openly acknowledge the problem. It's good to know that Justin and Jessica's son has a great chance to live in a world where everyone is allowed the same rights.
While Justin's photos are new, it's important to see that he's also trying to protect his son's privacy in the way they were taken. All of the photos that Justin featured show only the back of Silas. Many celebrities choose to do this, as their children are too young to decide whether or not they want to be in the spotlight.
For many celebrity parents, it's also a way for them to maintain a little bit of privacy. It's hard enough for Jessica and Justin, as they're both big names. And since Justin had a recent scandal, it's yet another reminder for the couple that all eyes are on them.
Back in 2019, Justin was seen out with a group of people from the set of his movie Palmer, including his costar Alisha Wainwright. He and Alisha were smiling, laughing, and flirting with each other. At one point, Alisha had her hand on Justin's knee. Fans got the feeling that something romantic was starting between them.
Justin was quick to apologize. "A few weeks ago I displayed a strong lapse in judgment — but let me be clear — nothing happened between me and my costar," he wrote. "I drank way too much that night and I regret my behavior. I should have known better." It seems as if Jessica has since forgiven him.
It's possible that being home together has helped bring them closer together. Justin made a quip about how tough it is to parent for 24 hours a day, every day. "We're doing good," he said to SiriusXM, per People magazine. "We're mostly commiserating over the fact that we … just, 24-hour parenting is just not human."
Speaking of his relationship with Jessica, Justin actually gave her a shout-out in his Father's Day post. And it makes sense. Without her, he might not be a dad. "I'm grateful for my wife, who made me a father, and is my favorite person/partner/teacher/friend in all of it," he said.
And of course, Silas also got a shout-out. "I'm grateful for my son, who is always ALWAYS teaching me right back," he wrote. "While we owe our sons and daughters these lessons in the places where the doors close at night, I hope you are as inspired as I am to make them THE TRUTH in the places that same door opens every morning and we send them out to discover."
Jessica also gave Justin a nice shout-out for the holiday, but hers was a bit more short and sweet. "To the dad who not only protects and provides but most importantly, PLAYS, and puts up with all our shenanigans," she wrote. "And teaches and guides and comforts and accepts and respects."
"Being a dad can sometimes be a thankless job, but today we hope you know how important you are in our lives," she concluded. "We love you forever and ever and a day. Love mom and Silas." It seems safe to say that their rough patch is truly behind them. She also recently posted about racial injustice, stating that "it's our responsibility to actively educate our little ones to create a better future."
"To say it simply, we HAVE to talk to our kids about race," she continued. "We have to teach them that we are all equal, and that hurting someone because of the color of their skin is not, and has never been okay." Hopefully, parents around the world are teaching their kids just like Jessica and Justin. If so, things will be a lot brighter in the years to come.