Two Little Boys Try To Narrate The Christmas Story But End Up With Some Hysterical Mistakes

No one knows what Christmas is all about more than kids do. They may know about Santa, but they also remember that it’s Jesus’ birthday.

And when a group of kids was asked to tell the Christmas story in December 2015, they all had a lot to say.

In this version, a few things have changed, though.

Instead of being in her house when the angel Gabriel visited her, Mary was outside hanging laundry when she received the news that she was to have a baby and name him Jesus.

And the name of the town Jesus was born in isn’t Bethlehem anymore. Now it’s Bethel-ha-ha-ham. And to get there Mary rode a camel, not a donkey.

There was "literally no room" at the hotel when Mary and Joseph tried to get a room. But the bellhop pointed them in the right direction of a stable.

After Christ’s birth, an angel appeared to the shepherds, singing a chorus of “Glorious,” and they were afraid. But the angel reassured them there was nothing to fear and there was a new baby they needed to see.

They agreed, and ran off to Bethel-ha-ha-ham, where they walked through grass and bushes, and even camped out for the night.

Somewhere else in Bethel-ha-ha-ham, a star appeared to a group of three wise men. They decided to follow it and see the baby too, and they brought gifts with them like a stuffed hippo, baby wipes, diapers, and milk along with gold, Frankenstein, and mire.

When everyone got there, the stable was extremely smelly but no one seemed to mind. Everyone was happy to see the baby Jesus, and thanked him for coming into the world.

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