Massachusetts Couple Gets Married 27 Years After Being Born On The Same Day In The Same Hospital

Nothing is more cheerful than a love story — especially if it's a love story that seems too good to be true. Jessica Gomes and Aaron Bairos, both 27, were initially set up by friends. But at the time, they had no clue they had an important date in common.

"I knew from the very beginning that he was different — he was respectful, and he made me laugh," Jessica told People magazine. "He still makes me laugh! No one else can do that. From the start, we both knew we were right for each other."

Jessica and Aaron are from the same state, but they went to rival high schools. Both hail from Taunton, Massachusetts.

They realized they had something special in common when they learned they shared the same birthday. That's something that's pretty rare when it comes to relationships. However, they later figured out that they were actually born at the same hospital.

Even more miraculous? They were the only two babies who were reported to be born there that day. It's almost like they were meant to find each other.

That special day fell on Saturday, April 28, in 1990 at Morton Hospital. Thanks to a newspaper cutout that Jessica's grandmother saved to commemorate the big day, they knew that Jessica and Aaron were the only two who made their grand appearance at Morton that day.

When Aaron first told Jessica they shared the same birthday, she didn't believe him. "It was crazy, I thought he was trying to pull a smooth one and win me over,” she said. But she believed it when the two were in the same driver's ed program and he showed his ID.

The proposal came in November 2015. In September of 2016, they got married at the Holy Family Church in East Taunton. Both sets of parents seem happy with how they met and fell in love, and they think it was destined to be. "Our parents thought it was hilarious," Jessica said. "They knew it was something special."


Jessica and Aaron aren't the only pair who had a major life event that came together due to timing. This year, two sisters happened to give birth at the same hospital just minutes apart. The likeliness of that happening is extremely rare, but it's an incredible bond that their babies will have forever.

Alissa Christensen and Rebecca Samson's due dates were two and a half weeks apart. They supposedly joked about the possibility of giving birth at the same time, but they figured that it'd be nearly impossible. After Alissa went past her due date, she was scheduled for an induction.

That happened on a Tuesday. While Alissa was in labor, she got a text from Rebecca saying that her water had broken. Her baby was coming slightly earlier than she'd anticipated. It's hard to imagine the level of chaos and excitement that their parents must have felt.

However, even though the sisters weren't expecting to deliver on the same day, it must have been fun being pregnant together. With both pregnancies happening at the same time, the sisters probably did a lot of comparing notes. And those notes and comparisons will likely keep happening as their two children grow.

Calvin, Alissa's child, arrived first. Later, CJ was born. The fact that they both had boys was also astonishing to the nurses who took care of them. The sisters also got updates on each other throughout their labors. It's an experience that many only dream of. But it does happen. In 2018, identical twins Bao Nhia Yang and Bao Kou Yang ended up giving birth at the same Fresno hospital just hours apart.

Still, no pairing is more fated than Daniel and Danielle Dawson. The two initially met on the dating site Plenty of Fish. During their conversation, they realized that they also shared the same birthday. Insider reports that the two of them connected on the first day they signed up for the service, which is even sweeter.

Both were drawn to give Plenty of Fish a try because they weren't having luck elsewhere. Of course, their similar names led them to break the ice. Finding out they shared the same birthday led to even more intrigue. But it gets even better.

Much like Aaron and Jessica, Daniel and Danielle were also born at the same hospital. The two were both located in Devon, England, and had no idea that they may have crossed paths before. "Had we met as babies?” Daniel wondered, per the South West News Service.

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Both of them felt like it was love at first sight. "Before Danielle, I wasn't sure what was happening with my future," Daniel said. "I had relationships but nothing that was great, nothing that panned out. It was the same for Danielle, things hadn't worked out for her either. Then we both signed up to Plenty of Fish on the same day. She was the only person I met."

But their fate doesn't end there. After getting engaged and married, the two welcomed a daughter on yet another important date. "At the stroke of midnight on May 13, 2017 — our first wedding anniversary — Daisy May Dawson was born and is the absolute light of our lives," Daniel announced.

This just goes to show you that having a date in common can lead to incredible things. While sharing a birthday and a hospital weren't clues that these couples would stay together, it definitely gave them something big that they had in common from the start. And as for the cousins born on the same day, they have a wonderful story and bond that'll last for the rest of their lives.