Mom Appears On TV After Giving Birth, Then Defends Her Weight When Viewer Makes Nasty Comments

WLOX meteorologist Carrie Duncan appears on the screens of thousands of news viewers quite regularly and is therefore subject to a lot of scrutiny — just like any person on television.

But she was recently the subject of a terrible email sent to her by a disgruntled viewer. The problem? Her weight.

Carrie just gave birth to a baby and admits that she's not happy with her post-baby body. But this did not give someone else the right to tell her that her size was an 'embarrassment' or that the viewer's husband couldn't bear to watch the news while Carrie was speaking.

Carrie didn't hesitate to hit back on Facebook, posting a screenshot of the email and blurring the sender's name. While she was disappointed to receive something so mean, she also thanked all those who sent her messages of love and support after she made the email public.

Now scroll down to read what the new mom has to say.

Facebook / Carrie Duncan WLOX Meteorologist

You know I shared A LOT with y’all over the past almost 15 years. I appreciate the kind words, support & genuine excitement you have had for me! I heart y’all.

Facebook / Carrie Duncan WLOX Meteorologist

I am not happy with my weight right [now]. I am tired a lot and not getting much sleep and eating poorly.

Facebook / Carrie Duncan WLOX Meteorologist

I know this. I want to do better, and I know I will. I appreciate the kindness you have shown to me. 

Facebook / Carrie Duncan WLOX Meteorologist

I am sharing this email I received to show you what some people have to go through. It could be the thinnest person, and they’re too skinny. 

Facebook / Carrie Duncan WLOX Meteorologist

There are some people who are seriously unhappy. Ugly people always have something ugly to say. 

Facebook / Carrie Duncan WLOX Meteorologist

Please think about the people you are saying these things about and to. I believe this person also sent a horrible email, which I didn’t read, when I was pregnant. 

Facebook / Carrie Duncan WLOX Meteorologist

Here’s the thing, if you don’t like something/someone on tv, change the channel. Please STOP WITH THE HATE! 

Facebook / Carrie Duncan WLOX Meteorologist

Thank you! Rant over! See you Monday when I’m back from vacation!

Please SHARE to echo this new mom’s message of positivity in the face of mean comments like the ones she received!