Ashley Neville recently gave birth to her second daughter, Peyton. But it was Peyton's older sister who stole the show that day.
Henley, who's one and a half, was so excited about her baby sister's arrival that she was allowed to crawl into Peyton's bassinet at the hospital in Pennsylvania.
The protective toddler snuggled in as close as she could — but when their grandmother came to pick up and hold Peyton, Henley wasn't having any of it.
"Henley, you want me to take the baby? I'll take her," Grandma said.
But Henley just shook her head and glared back, refusing to give up her sister.
This adorable exchange went on for several minutes. No matter how many times or how nicely Grandma (or anyone else in the room) asked to take Peyton, Henley refused.
The family realized they needed to take a different approach if they wanted to get some bonding time with the newest family member.
It's no wonder this clip has already been seen by over 5 million people!