Sleeping Pregnant Woman Feels Pinch On Giant Belly And Doctor Learns It’s A Deadly Spider

In June 2017, Kendall Butler was seven months pregnant with her second daughter, Angel.

She kept herself busy by preparing the nursery and filling it with all the baby toys and clothes Angel would need.

But one morning, the wife and mother from Tulsa, Oklahoma, awoke to a sharp pain on her stomach.

Kendall saw a giant spider in the bed and shooed it away… but she quickly realized the spider bit her right over the place where Angel was growing!

It wasn't until she arrived at the doctor's office that she realized it was no ordinary spider bite, and things took a terrifying turn…


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Kendall Butler was so excited to meet her daughter.

In June 2017, the wife and mom from Tulsa, Oklahoma, was seven months pregnant with a baby girl named Angel.


Kendall spent her days prepping the nursery and stocking up on all the things Angel would need.

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Meanwhile, she and her family had been noticing a particularly large amount of of ticks and spiders near the creek behind their home.

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One summer morning while Kendall slept, she was awoken by a sharp pain on her stomach, right where her unborn baby was growing.

She was met with a horrifying sight — the giant spider, pictured above, had bitten her on the belly!

Kendall shooed the spider away, but the pain only got worse.

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Doctors took a close look at Kendall's photo of the insect and realized she'd been bitten by one of the most venomous spiders of all… a brown recluse spider.

As the venom destroyed the skin near the bite, it started to burn.

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As the days passed, the area started to spread, and her wound became too graphic to show on the news outlets that picked up her story.

Doctors stopped the venom from spreading to other parts of Kendall's body, but they were unable to repair her tissue until she gave birth.

She worried the doctors wouldn't be able to treat her at all because of the precarious position of the bite.


Experts said the mild weather in Kendall's neighborhood of Oklahoma killed off fewer insects.

This made the bugs reproduce earlier than normal, resulting in higher spider and tick populations.


There are precautions you can take to avoid spider bites, such as wearing long sleeves, long pants and socks, and being particularly careful if you work or have worked outside in wooded areas.

Facebook / Kendall Butler

Four weeks later, Kendall was still recovering from the bite.

She was a nervous wreck, as diseases from insects can transfer from mother to baby and cause complications during pregnancy.

Kendall Butler /

Though things could have ended horribly, Kendall gave birth to a happy, healthy baby girl.

Facebook / Kendall Butler

Kendall told that Angel was born vaginally without complications, but some parts of the delivery were very scary.

“Her clavicle on the right side was fractured on the way out," she said.

"I had to be induced because I was 41 weeks, and her heart kept dropping due to the meds used, so labor was started at 9cm dilated.”

Kendall Butler /

The leftover wound was so severe, and left such a giant hole, that Kendall needed an abdominoplasty to remove the excess scar tissue.

"The hole sucked my stomach in like a horse kicked me in it, and the scar tissue is so thick," she told "The whole section has to be cut out and removed, and the area would look like it never happened."


The experience was so terrifying that Kendall realized post-baby stretch marks didn't seem so bad in comparison to the nightmarish spider bite.


If you’ve been bitten, wash the wound with hot, soapy water, and then place a cold, damp compress on top.

If the bite becomes painful or you begin to experience sickness, contact your health care provider immediately.

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