Postpartum is an absolutely amazing time. It's also absolutely exhausting. New parents, especially parents who are pumping or breastfeeding or chestfeeding, might feel completely drained by all the responsibility that has suddenly swooped into their lives and taken over. I mean, feeding a human from your own body isn't just time-consuming. It's also incredibly taxing!
Breastfeeding, chestfeeding, and pumping parents need a whole lot of support. They don't need more onesies and parenting books. But there are some material things that are worth their weight in liquid gold.
Here are eight items breastfeeding or pumping parents would love to receive:
1. A Cute & Functional Locker To Store All Your Baby Gear

Every new mom needs a place to keep all of her baby gear. This cute locker from Mustard Made is just what the doctor ordered.
"This locker is absolutely gorgeous! I love that the lock keeps my kiddo and their curious little fingers safe from things they shouldn't be getting into!" – Courtney (New Mom)
2. Jammies That Promote Rest and Recovery

Getting a good night's rest is so hard when you are postpartum, especially when you are waking up to feed a baby, and your body is still in recovery mode. But a good set of pajamas, designed with comfort and recovery in mind, can help! This super-cozy pair by Dagsmejan actually supports muscle recovery, which is never more needed than after giving birth.
3. The Perfect Fanny Pack

You don't always need an entire diaper bag. Sometimes you just need a few items! That's what makes this fanny pack the absolute perfect accessory for the postpartum person. It has special little slots for just about everything, even your nipple cream.
4. The Best Nipple Cream You'll Ever Use

Yes, that's right. We've got you covered on nipple cream, too. There are a lot of nipple creams on the market, but this one is pretty top notch. It might not be the most glam gift you can find for a breastfeeding person, but we promise it will be the most appreciated.
5. An Empowering Necklace

It's important not to forget that postpartum people have their own needs. This necklace is the perfect reminder of that. Its message simply says, "I AM WORTH IT," letting the new parent know it's OK to slow down and take care of their own needs, too. There's no question as to why it's a bestseller.
6. A Cozy Box From GlobeIn

Sometimes new parents just want something beautiful and comforting to enjoy. In that case, GlobeIn, which features amazing products from all over the world on its site, is the perfect place to shop. With the bestselling Cozy Box, you'll get a few gifts in one. The box contains an amazingly soft 100% cotton scarf from the mountains of Thailand, a stunning hand-painted mug from Morocco, Fair Trade Cocoa Powder from Ghana, and a Gallito Palm Leaf Basket from Oaxaca, Mexico.
7. Everyday Photo Book From Artifact Uprising

You can't remember all of the newborn moments when you're exhausted and sleep-deprived. But you can take pictures. That makes this amazing photobook the perfect thing to give those new parents. Because while they might not feel blissful all the time during those early days, looking back is an experience that is always filled with joy.
8. An At-Home Spa From Luna 3 by Foreo

Postpartum skin is not always glowing, especially when you add on nursing, which can dry you out immensely. This at-home skin spa is the perfect solution. The Luna 3 device uses soft bristles that are gentle yet blast away dirt with each use. The device pairs with a personalized app on your phone and guides you through the face-cleaning process. How cool is that?
9. A Glorious Milk Bath

Babies aren't the only ones who need a scrub or a soak. New parents do, too, plus they definitely need the R&R. Relaxing is known to help nursing parents produce more milk, and the warm water definitely can't hurt. This amazing milk bath not only smells scrumptious, it's genuinely relaxing and nourishing, and it comes in 12 different fragrances.
*Psst: if you choose to purchase an item from this post, LittleThings.com may receive a small cut. Each item and price is up to date at the time of publication; however, an item may be sold out or the price may be different at a later date.