Babies are so easily entertained, and actually, so are dogs. Realizing things like this makes me want to get babies and puppies in a room to interact on the daily; what a fun experiment that would be…
We would get a million hilarious videos like this one where a mom's puppy and baby human snuggle together for the camera, or even the one where the sweet puppy and baby look like they find love at first sight!
I don't know how no one has started this experimental movement yet, literally any baby and animal duo is adorable to see! Friendship comes in all shapes and sizes clearly, and every friendship will always find new ways to play.
This video is no different than the ones mentioned when it comes to the reaction that it'll get from you. But, what this pup finds stuck on his human's baby walker is actually the perfect combination of curiosity, friendship, and overall cuteness. They find a new way to play, that's for sure!
Watch what the pup and baby decide to do with this object, and enjoy as the mom continues to supervise and catch it all on tape for our enjoyment (and laughter).
Please SHARE this hilarious baby-doggy duo!