As a parent, it can be a difficult thing to send our kids off to school each day, hoping that the people they’re surrounded with throughout the day treat them with respect and kindness.
Dedicated father Tomas Valerio felt at a loss after witnessing his daughter come home from school each day looking totally defeated and in tears. With those alarm bells ringing, he tried to come up with a plan to discover what was making his little girl so upset at school every day.
When Tomas’ little girl started at the new school, he noticed big changes in her overall demeanor and emotional well-being. At first, he just chalked it up to an adjustment period, but she soon began to beg him to stay home from school, and he figured there was likely something bigger going on.
After months of battling with his daughter about attending school, Tomas decided to take matters into his own hands. He was afraid that his little girl was getting bullied by one of her classmates or even a teacher, so he set up a tiny recording device in his daughter’s hair in hopes of finally discovering the truth.
When his daughter arrived home from school and Tomas began listening to the recording of the day, he was absolutely livid about what he heard. On the recording, he heard her teacher yelling, screaming, and saying extremely offensive things to the classroom of students.
Finally being able to put together what was actually happening inside his little girl’s classroom and causing her such distress, Tomas was motivated to do something about it.
To discover what this caring father did with the secret recording he took of a mean and disgruntled teacher, watch the video in full.