Richard and Roberta Schultz were lovebirds from the start. The happy couple from Illinois enjoyed 41 blissful years of love and marriage. Their family grew and expanded from children to grandchildren.
Richard passed away in November 2016 at the age of 79. Roberta was absolutely heartbroken.
Four days after his passing, Roberta received a very special and unexpected delivery.
It was a fruit basket from Edible Arrangements, sent to her by Richard himself! He set it up so his beloved wife would receive the basket, full of all her favorite fruits, after he had passed.
But the second Roberta plucked the personalized note off the basket's cellophane, she couldn't believe her eyes.
h/t: Buzzfeed

Marissa Mendez is a teenager from Braidwood, Illinois.

In November 2016, Marissa was heartbroken when her beloved grandfather, Richard Schultz, passed away at the age of 79.
Richard served in the United States Army and was married to his wife Roberta for 41 blissful years.

Knowing he didn't have much time left with her, Richard wanted to do something special for Roberta.
Since Roberta has always loved eating fruit, Richard decided to pre-order an Edible Arrangements delivery to arrive for her — after he passed away.

Four days after his passing, Roberta was surprised by her special delivery and this personalized note attached to the cellophane:
Hi Honey, I made sure our girls will always take care of you. Please let them love you and help you through this time.
Find happiness through our memories, our children, and our grandchildren.
Don't cry for me, for I am waiting for you.

Marissa spoke to Buzzfeed to share details about her grandmother's fruit basket.
"He was worried how she would take it once he passed," she said. [She] thought that it was beautiful and she cried."
Marissa also posted a photo of the fruit basket and note on Twitter, where it quickly went viral.

Roberta misses Richard every second of every day… but she's eternally grateful for the message he sent her from beyond the grave.
What a wonderful way to assure his wife they will someday meet again.
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