Jerry Baker, a dad from Hephzibah, Georgia, recently had an experience that made him become an inventor. He asked his girlfriend, Chelsea, where she wanted to go for dinner, and she responded like she normally does: "It doesn't matter."
But we all know how "it doesn't matter" actually plays out: Jerry would say, "OK, how about X?" and Chelsea would respond, "No, I'm not in the mood for X." This would probably happen more than once, and by the time they finally decided what they actually wanted for dinner, an hour would have passed.
We've all been there — we've probably all even been on both sides of that conversation. It can be ridiculously frustrating to be hungry but unable to make a decision with your partner.
So instead of just getting frustrated, Jerry decided to repurpose a kids' toy he had lying around.

Jerry used the recognizable toy Farmer Says: See 'N Say, but replaced the animals with restaurants. Now when they can't decide where to go out for dinner, all Jerry and Chelsea have to do is spin the wheel.

Everyone who has seen the wheel has thought the same thing: This is genius.

Jerry and his son Jared both posted a picture of the wheel online, assuming that friends would get a kick out of it. However, they weren't expecting it to go viral — people everywhere related to it and wanted one for themselves.

I'm always indecisive when it comes to dinner plans, so I know I could definitely use one of these!

Would your family benefit from having one of these wheels? You could even make it yourself.

If you think this is a brilliant dinner hack, please SHARE it on Facebook with someone who definitely needs it!
[H/T: Distractify]